

Agricultural activity, as the basis on which many activities closely related to human nutrition are built, has a particularly great importance and influence, and also determines the overall well-being and prosperity of individual nations and countries.
In our contemporary modern world and according to the model of a highly profitable and quantitative way of production, along with the tendency of expected constant growth, profits and quantities, there has been a particularly strong disturbance in the natural system and natural principles on which human activity related to the cultivation of the land was originally based and growing plants and agricultural crops.
It is very important that individual peoples and states decisively and responsibly take into their own hands the management of their own natural resources and wealth, by an honest and conscious management and use of them, for the benefit of their community and individuals, and thus automatically comes to the end of their exploitation by different spheres of interest solely driven by profit and large unknown background capital.
Those who are not wealthy are not poor, but those who, in their grace, are not aware of it, and because of that, unfortunately, someone else takes advantage of such an offered situation.
Therefore, it is extremely important, when we direct our attention in the direction of agriculture, and especially nutrition, to emphasize - health.

Healthy communities that rest in well-being base their existence and development on the interaction of the individual and his immediate inner and outer nature on the principles of honesty, sincerity and love, while well-being and affluence is only one inevitable by-product or effect of cherished and practiced high life values.

Health means alive
Everything that we consider healthy does not necessarily mean that it is healthy. Man needs living food, food that is not poisoned and inevitably does not have to go through death and reckless destruction in order to reach our plates!
Therefore, the nature of human nutrition - vegan or vegetarian!

It is up to us what we will do to our health and our body, that is the freedom of choice of each of us! It is something that no one can do for anyone, it is always in our own hands, which way to go, which way to live.

It is also in the hands of us hosts, who first of all have to know and be aware of what we want and how to get there. And this country with God-given riches and natural beauties, starting from its primary treasure, which is man, and ending with the country itself, truly deserves an exemplary and prosperous way of living and management, a way worthy of respect and appreciation from the community itself, and beyond, global world families. For this purpose, we are here at home, ready to contribute with joint work and coexistence with all available means to the protection of natural resources, landscapes and sources, and to the improvement of the development of those human activities closely related to them, and agriculture as the most basic branch directly related to nature itself, and that on natural, ecological principles and standards adapted to the immediate area or area, with exceptional respect for already existing standards as centuries-old results of the synergy of the resident man and his environment.
We are ready to give our personal contribution to serving you, in a responsible and conscious way, through joint cooperation, making the necessary decisions and putting them into practice.


wishes from the Galla holidays Team